Saturday, November 22, 2008

Back in Business

Well, I have been out of "business" for quite a while now. It is so hard to work even part time and be a full time SAHM!!! I don't know how people do it!!! So I took a sort of sabbatical this past Spring. My middle child was getting ready for kindergarten and we were wrapping up home pre-school. And then Summer came and the first born was out of school, vacation to GA, visiting the fam in WV, and just hanging out with my nuclear family, all of that overtook Sassy Stitches. And I wouldn't have changed a thing. We had a great summer.

Fast forward to Fall...the first born is now is 2nd grade, different school (but great because we can walk her over), and the middle child is now in kindergarten--half a day and loving it, and the unruly toddler is beside himself, crying for his sibs. What an adjustment for all of us. But we are making it and doing well.

Now, a few weeks ago I received an email from our wonderful children's librarian inquiring as to whether I was going to sew for the Library Ladies again this Holiday season. I gave it some thought, and then thought some more, and then thought that the extra money would help out for the holidays. So I am back in the sewing room. And it feels good. I have started up a few new things like xmas stockings, and some kids items like bean bags and felt magnets. And in one week I will have a table at the Blackstone River Theatre craft fair. Funny how things take off so quickly...

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